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Liberty Counsel files brief in ‘most comprehensive’ court challenge to ObamaCare

By   /   February 28, 2013  /   No Comments

libertycounselRICHMOND, Va. (WordNews.org) Feb. 28, 2013 – Liberty Counsel has filed an appellate brief in what the law firm considers to be the most comprehensive challenge to ObamaCare in the country.
The brief was filed on behalf of Liberty University in the case of Liberty University v. Geitner.
Liberty Counsel’s lawsuit challenges four aspects of the new health care law: the employer mandate for all employers; the abortion mandate for religious employers;  the abortion mandate for individuals; and the entire law because tax bills must originate in the House, and ObamaCare originated in the Senate.
This case is the only one in the country that challenges the entire employer mandate for all employers, Liberty Counsel’s Mat Staver said.
“Like other pending cases, our case also challenges the so-called ‘preventative coverage’ mandate, which requires employers to provide free contraceptives, sterilization, abortion-inducing drugs, and IUDs, of which the latter two cause abortion,” Staver said. “ObamaCare also forces all employees who are part of a plan that offers abortion coverage to pay $1 per month directly to an abortion fund. This too is part of the case.”
Staver, founder and chairman of Liberty Counsel, said the brief also argues the entire law is invalid because, if it is a tax as the Supreme Court ruled last year regarding the individual mandate, it violates the Constitution’s Origination Clause, as tax bills must originate in the House, not the Senate.
“ObamaCare represents a frontal attack to religious freedom,” Staver said. “ObamaCare is a train about to collide with the fundamental right to free exercise of religion. Not only does ObamaCare violate the rights of religious employers because of its abortion mandate, it violates the rights of individuals who oppose abortion and the rights of all employers, religious or not.”

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  • Published: 12 years ago on February 28, 2013
  • By:
  • Last Modified: March 4, 2013 @ 10:58 pm
  • Filed Under: Law

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