WASHINGTON, D.C. (WordNews.org) March 7, 2016 –The Conservative Political Action Conference has wrapped up, selecting via straw poll Sen. Ted Cruz as its pick for the GOP presidential nomination.
But one group is challenging just how conservative CPAC is.
The American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property issued a press release with the headline: “CPAC Turns Left with Pro-Homosexual, Pro-Atheist Groups.”
The group questioned CPAC’s decision to allow sponsorship of Log Cabin Republicans, which it described as “an LGBT activist group that promotes Bruce Jenner, same-sex ‘marriage,’ and open homosexuality in the U.S. Armed Forces.”
The group also noted that CPAC welcomed Atheist Vote as an exhibitor during the conference.
“It pains me to say this, but CPAC is turning left. It’s alienating true conservatives and shattering the cohesion of the conservative movement,” said Preston Noell III, director of the American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property (TFP), a group that has sponsored CPAC for many years. “Nothing is more corrosive to the movement as the deliberate efforts of LGBT and atheist activists to be accepted as bona fide conservatives and the naiveté of those who view them as such.”
“Ronald Reagan gave us a brilliant metaphor. He said the stability and unity of the conservative movement is like a stool with three legs — social, fiscal and defense conservatives,” explained Noell. “By giving the homosexual movement a platform of legitimacy, CPAC organizers are cutting off one of the legs — pro-family, pro-God Americans — and the stool will come crashing down. And that’s exactly what the Left wants.”
Attempts to reach the American Conservative Union, which organizes the conference, were unsuccessful.