Liberty Counsel represents the California churches that are now waiting for the High Court’s decision. Liberty Counsel noted this is the second time it has appealed to the High Court on behalf of these churches.
California has the most severe restrictions in the nation on places of worship with its total ban on in-person worship. All but six states have abandoned numerical caps on worship and only one state – California – bans indoor worship entirely. Only six states and the District of Columbia employ numerical caps that apply regardless of a facility’s size. Two of these six states, New York and Connecticut, cannot enforce their caps following the Second Circuit’s recent precedential decision invalidating New York’s 10- and 25-person caps, Liberty Counsel said. Of the four remaining states with numerical caps, Maine limits in-person worship to 50 persons, New Jersey to 150, and Rhode Island to 125. And Washington, D.C. caps indoor religious gatherings at 250 persons.
California banned word from March 19 to May 25. From May 26 toJuly 12 it allowed for 25 percent of capacity with a limit of 10 people. But since July 13 there has been no corporate worship permitted in more than 90 percent of the state. Church staff and parishioner face daily criminal charges of up to a year in jail and fines of $1,000 every day Harvest Rock Church stays open.
criminal charges of one year in jail and 1,000 dollars in fines every day that Harvest Rock Church remains open.
The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals granted the injunction pending appeal for Tiers 2-4 of California Gov. Gavin Newsom’s “Blueprint” but denied it for Tier 1 and the Regional Stay-at-Home Order. Tiers 2-3 placed a 100- and 200- person cap on all houses of worship despite the size of the building. Tier 1 bans ALL WORSHIP on houses of worship. The three-judge Ninth Circuit panel for Harvest Rock Church said it was bound to follow the recent panel decision in South Bay United Pentecostal Church v. Newsom, which was released on January 22.
Liberty Counsel said before the Supreme Court, the churches challenge the restrictions in Tiers 1-4 since they all violate the First Amendment by affording much more favorable treatment to hundreds of so-called “Critical Infrastructure” compared to places of worship. Hundreds of categories are exempt from the capacity or numerical caps.
Last year, the U.S. Supreme Court granted an emergency petition for an injunction pending appeal on behalf of New York City synagogues and Roman Catholic churches in Roman Catholic Diocese of Brooklyn v. Cuomo and Agudath Israel v. Cuomo. On December 3, 2020, the High Court granted the petition by Harvest Rock Church and Harvest International Ministry, setting aside all the lower court orders and directing them to follow its ruling in Roman Catholic Dioceses. When the lower courts refused to strike down California’s restrictions, the case returned to the Supreme Court.
“We are waiting for the High Court to end Gov. Gavin Newsom’s executive edicts banning worship,” said Liberty Counsel Founder and Chairman Mat Staver. “California is the ONLY state with a complete ban on worship. The High Court has already issued the Constitutional roadmap, but Gov. Newsom refuses to comply.”