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Wednesdays with Britt Nicole: ‘A great journey so far’ (Part 5 in a series)

By   /  November 23, 2011  /  Music  /  3 Comments

NASHVILLE (WordNews.org) Nov. 23, 2011 — When we last left Britt Nicole, she was in a conversation with God. She wanted to go to college in Nashville, but He wanted her to return to her small town in North Carolina. “There’s nothing for me to do here,” she remembers complaining. “But as soon as I […]

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Erica Lane’s ‘A Merry Little Christmas’

By   /  November 22, 2011  /  Music  /  No Comments

NASHVILLE (WordNews.org) Nov. 21, 2011 — If you’ve already started listening to Christmas music, here’s a new one to try out: Erica Lane’s “A Merry Little Christmas.” Lane is a classically trained singer/songwriter. She’s a former Miss Houston. She’s been in a family-friendly reality TV series. And now, her third album. This six-song Christmas album […]

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Thursdays with Brandon Heath: Staying grounded, ‘Doing what I was born to do’ (Part 4 in a series)

By   /  November 18, 2011  /  Music  /  No Comments

NASHVILLE (WordNews.org) Nov. 17, 2011 – If you listen to Christian radio much, you don’t have to wait long for a Brandon Heath tune to come on. Hits like “Give Me Your Eyes” and his current hit, “You Put Your Light In Me,” get lots of airtime. How’s a guy stay grounded? “I have a […]

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Wednesdays with Britt Nicole: A conversation with God (Part 4 in a series)

By   /  November 17, 2011  /  Music  /  1 Comment

NASHVILLE (WordNews.org) Nov. 16, 2011– Christian music artist Britt Nicole began sensing God’s calling on her life when she was 16 years old. “I remember sitting in youth group one night,” she recalls. “My aunt and uncle were my youth pastors. They asked us to write down our vision or dreams.” Her dream? “I remember […]

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Thursdays with Brandon Heath: What is your heart? (Part 3 in a series)

By   /  November 11, 2011  /  Music  /  1 Comment

NASHVILLE (WordNews.org) Nov. 11, 2011 – Despite the name of his latest album – “Leaving Eden” –Christian recording artist Brandon Heath has been recent days in Eden. The singer/songwriter says the question “What is your Eden” came from his counselor, Al Andrews, last spring. Now, every concert, he poses these questions to those in attendance: […]

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Wednesdays with Britt Nicole: No worries. Here to reach, love people (Part 3 in a series)

By   /  November 9, 2011  /  Entertainment, Music  /  No Comments

NASHVILLE (WordNews.org) Nov. 9, 2011 – Britt Nicole says she’s been given a lot of freedom as a Christian recording artist. “I’ve been very blessed to be able to work with people that I love and that really support me and support my heart, what I feel called to do and really give me a […]

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Thursdays with Brandon Heath: ‘Just telling my story’ (Part 2 in a series)

By   /  November 4, 2011  /  Music  /  No Comments

NASHVILLE (WordNews.org) Nov. 4, 2011 – Brandon Heath says when it comes to writing songs, he’s usually got one thing in mind. His own story. “There’s no formula,” said Brandon, who is currently touring with fellow Christian artist Britt Nicole. “A lot of times they come out of life experiences. You have to know what […]

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Wednesdays with Britt Nicole: Touring with buddy Brandon Heath (Part 2 in a series)

By   /  November 3, 2011  /  Entertainment, Music  /  No Comments

NASHVILLE (WordNews.org) Nov. 2, 2011 – Christian recording artist Britt Nicole has been touring with fellow singer/songwriter Brandon Heath since Oct. 6. Tomorrow, another town, another state. This time, Dothan, Ala. At Ridgecrest Baptist Church. “We’re having a great tour so far,” Britt tells WordNews.org. The two knew each other before hitting it big. Before […]

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